Calcium is found to be an important part of bone growth

Market: Thursday, October 13, 2016
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that calcium is one of the most important nutrients that stimulate the growth of bone cells called the Orchestrate Bone. 

The study showed that the difference between Stem Cells from the earliest age of eggs to older bone cells, which could affect the treatment of conditions caused by excessive collagen drops such as Fibrosis and lesser bone mineralization, such as the Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS), including factors such as the lack of calcium during the pregnancy of pregnant mothers Contribute to the consumption of alcohol. 

Dr Micheal Rape and Dr. K. Peter Hirth Chair at UC Berkeley University say that you should add calcium to cells to help the bone structure that it seems easy to promote Chondrocytes and helps maintain the balance of collagen and help many other developmental functions. 

However, it is a complex one that scientists continue to study the best structure of need and bone density, but this study confirms that complementary calcium requirements from the early birth of eggs to the fetus provided and sustained to full maturity are extremely difficult. But calcium must also continue to balance it properly in the body, especially in old age. (Vuthea) 
