Four Things You Never Knew About Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in adults globally. Unfortunately, even with all the new evidence of nutrition and exercise and how it helps heart health, heart disease isn’t reducing, it’s increasing.
There has to be a missing part of the puzzle, and I believe that piece is stuck to the bottom of the box with EMOTIONS written in big red writing and no one has decided to pick up the box to have a look to see if it’s there.Medicine is an important part of lives. If you think about it, medicine has been responsible in just about doubling life spans in the last hundred years and governments are having to come up with plans for our aging population. The days of popping your clogs at 65 are long gone. Life spans have gone up, but quality of life seems to be copping a beating with the amount of chronic disease.
That’s why I’d like to talk to you about the missing part of the puzzle that supports medicine. We have four parts to our immune system.
  • Chemical – what you ingest
  • Structural – how sound your spine and body are
  • Emotional – the emotions we experience when trauma happens
  • Spiritual – your relationship with your higher-self and or God/Source
I want to share with you an important game changer when it comes to overcoming heart disease.
Heart disease has an emotional component preventing patients from having the best possible outcomes from their traditional treatments.Do you know someone in your life who was fit as a fiddle, exercised well, ate well and shocked their entire community by having a heart attack? This is where we go to look at another possible reason why.
The heart is the part of the body that holds the emotions associated with thinking that life is too hard and you can’ be bothered dealing with it.  Here’s four things you didn’t know about heart disease that you would do well to start investigating.

1. Rejection is a large part of your story

If you go through the memory banks of your life, often people with heart conditions will be able to map out many examples in their life where they have felt rejected in a significant way. This generally starts early and then the neural pathways start to build stories that make this more meaningful as you go through life.

2. Worthiness is an issue

When dealing with rejection issues, the close cousin of rejection is worthiness. People can have a moment in their life where they decide to give up on love because of the belief that you aren’t worth loving. The heart then takes the brunt of that emotion, because in essence, as you give up on that notion, you stop loving yourself in the process too.

3. People Pleasing becomes a core value

The heart is the organ in the body responsible for pumping blood around. Blood has the emotional tag of being responsible for joy. When you do things for others to try and get the worthiness juices flowing, your heart beats faster because of the joy it brings when people are responsive to the things you do to make them happy. The process however, is a ‘false economy’, because the underlying energy is “I’m not worth putting first”. This story, lived over and over again in your life, then fires off the reward chemical hit of dopamine your brain gives you when your story is validated. Dopamine is used in managing heart conditions. Healing the lack of joy element in this equation will make the dopamine do its job more effectively.

4. Loneliness

One of the core emotions when dealing with heart conditions is loneliness. Even those people who have a great number of people around them, and outside looking in, people could assume there’s absolutely no chance of loneliness. The issue is separation and connection. People pleasing is a core part of this equation where a person gives so much of themselves to others, the others are trained to not include or consider the chronic giver. Hence the lack of complete connection and the constant feeling of disappointment and feeling unfulfilled. More examples of lack of joy.
Now, here’s the kicker, if you look through your life story and just can’t see it, and you are able to, speak with your parents and or grandparents to see if they have lived through their life with any of these emotional anomalies, because that’s when we start talking about genetic memory. A blog for another day.
It is my experience over the last eight years in my practice, that when you address the emotional immune system, in conjunction with the mainstream areas of the immune system, you will see greater results in time.
